Setting The Captives Free!
Building strong families and healthy communities
by transforming the lives of prisoners
and people in addiction.
Join the Mission
Beauty for Ashes Ministry provides a Christ centered community that equips prisoners and people in addiction for their restored role in society through mentoring, practical teachings, and spiritual disciplines. Since the beginning, Beauty for Ashes has followed their vision to see inmates and addicts find freedom and purpose through an intimate and exciting relationship with Jesus Christ.
We teach them to stand on the promises of God. They learn to trust that they are perfectly and wonderfully made, saved by Grace, and are being transformed daily into their created identity that reflects the image of Christ. Together we help them discover who God is, who He has designed them to be, and His plans and purposes for their lives. |
Our programs focus on:
Beauty for Ashes Ministry is dedicated to helping inmates and addicts find freedom through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We stand on God’s promises that all people are created in his image and He has a purpose and plan for everyone. We trust His word that says he has come to give us all an abundant life when we choose to trust Him and follow His will for our lives. |
Annual Community Picnic Fundraiser |
Sponsor and Vendor Opportunities |